Welcome to the world of Digital Marketing

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The world is flat and we are always connected.We work,live and communicate 24/7 and this is the just begining.

Businesses are going digital and the digital world is booming.But customer engagement and marketing is unableto keep up because there are more players in the constantly evolving digital space.

Consumers have access information 24/7 wherever they may be .Digital media is a heady mix of news ,entertainment,shooping and social interaction.People want brands they can trust ,companies that know them ,communications that are personalized and relevant.

Bussinesses are looking for digitals natives who not only understand this but also take things forward to create positive impact .40% of the organizations across the world are unable to find sufficient talent to handle their digital marketing workloads.

That's why Digiedge powered by DMI brings you professional certification programme that can not only open doors to the digital world but also catapultyou to the top.it has proprietary syllabus that is continuously updated and validated by the industry advisory council and aligned to the reality of the global marketing.This certification ,validated and recognised by digital gaints will equip you with digital skills and then hone them making you a certified digital mmarketing professional so that you are a true global citizen.

Use the Digiedge digital diagnostics powered by DMI to identify existent skills and what determine the training needed.Create a clear roadmap of training requirements and get digital marketing certification that is designed by experts,to create experts.

Become a globally certified digital marketing professionals.your Digitals future awaits


DIGIEDGE LEARNING INDIA is powered by Digital Marketing Institute Ireland(DMI),the global leader in digital selling and marketing certification.Active in over 90 countries,it works intimately with the industry advisory council which represents the world's largest and most influential digital brands to develop curriculum that is aligned to the requirements of the market.

This curriculum is constantly updated and validated by subject matter specialists to develop certification standards for digital professionals.These certifications are not only globally recognized but also accepted across all industry sectors.The Digital Marketing institute provides the most widesly taught set of certification Standdards in Digital Marketing for learners,educators and industry globally.

A certification from the DIGIEDGE LEARNING INDIA powered by DMI is an assurance that you are equipped with the essential skills and knowledge for a top notchdigital professional.A series of comprehensive,structured modules spread over 90 hours will ensure that you know how to integrate key digital tactics and practices into sales techniques,measure and iterate the success of your digital selling strategy.Master the best current practices,new theories and applications and explore new hirizons in the digital world.

After certifying more professionals to a single digital education standard than any other certification body across the world,DMI now powers DIGIEDGE LEARNING INDIA to bring the you the same exacting standards in the digital marketing training.

Digital marketing spend is forecast to reach $306 billion worldwide by 2020


The importance of digital marketing has grown enormously in recent years, as online becomes the standard way of reaching large audiences.Our Institute has established itself as the leading authority in digital marketing and (our) strategic partnership will enable us to offer internationally recognized certificationin didgital marketing to our partners."

-Bernd Taselaar (CEO,EXIN)


Become Instant employee

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95% of our graduates are currently employed

Nursery 4 years

74% of those graduates are employed in digital marketing roles.

Fast Track Your Career

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88% also feel that they were well prepared by DMI for their current roles

Nursery 4 years

81% of those graduates have been promoted after completing their diploma.

Increase Earning Power

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53% of graduates have had their salary increased.A lucky 16% have had more than one pay rise

Nursery 4 years

56%of DMI graduates earn over $40,000

Join a Professional super group

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88% are working in senior roles or at management level

Nursery 4 years

25%oof DMI graduates have 10+ years work experience


The Industry Advisory Council, representing the world’s largest and most influential digital brands, validates all Digital Marketing Institute course content. By providing expert review and recommendations on a regular basis, the Council ensures that graduates of the Digital Marketing Institute have learned the most up to date digital skills, core competencies and knowledge needed to thrive in their digital careers.

The Industry Advisory Council validates the syllabus which ensures graduates of the Digital Marketing Institute have learned the latest tools and techniques from the world’s largest and most influential digital brands. The Council supports syllabus content by preserving its technical accuracy, clarity and continued relevance.

The Industry Advisory Council works with the Digital Marketing Institute to set the skills agenda and address the global digital skills shortage. The Council also provides input into digital marketing job role requirements by helping to define the up-to-date knowledge, skills and competencies required to build the global digital economy.

Once defined, the Council ensures that the Digital Marketing Institute syllabus content is refined to meet the digital economy’s most in-demand digital needs and skillsets.


  • College Student and Fresh Graduates from any discipline
  • Anyone looking to pursue a career in digital marketing
  • Marketing Executives,Managers,Senior Managment
  • IT Managers
  • Businees Owners
  • Anyone responsible for developing and/or implementing a digital marketingstrategy for their organization.



  • Increase any website's visibility trough SEO(Search engine Optimization)
  • Drive qualified traffic to websites through PPC(Pay Per-Click) advertising
  • Execute digital display campaigns
  • Capture ,segment and manage email subcriptions to plan and execute successful email marketing campaigns
  • Select appropriate social media channels for different business goals and objectives
  • Measure and optimize social media campaigns
  • Leverage mobile marketing around micro-targeting
  • Analyse and optimize overall digital marketing activity
  • create formal digital marketing plans for businesses

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Choose from any one of the following three ways

 Instructor led
The traditional classroom method includes group workships/lectures by experts and covers the theory and practiceof digital marketing.

24/7 access to video lectures, slide presentations,practical exercises and interactive quizzes allows you to follow your own pace.

This mix of traditional classroom and web base learning allows you to make the best of both the worlds.


Becoming a Certified Digital Marketing Professional will ensure you are eqipped with the tools and skills need to create effective online marketing strategies accross industry.This programme split into ten modules to covers all disciplines involved in best practice digital marketing.

  •  Introduction to Digital Marketing
  •  Search Marketing : SEO
  •  Search Marketing : PPC
  •  Digital Display Advertising(DDA)
  •  Email Marketing
  •  Social Media Marketing(Part 1)
  •  Social Media Marketing(Part 2)
  •  Analytics
  •  Strategy & planning
  •  ‘Ranked No. 4’ in the Franchise Rankings 2010
  •  ‘Business Leadership’ Award 2009 & 2005
  •  ‘Best Franchisor of the Year' Award 2008 & 2003


Introduction to digital marketing

The Introduction to Digital Marketing explores how to harness the power of digital in the context of an organization's marketing strategy.It covers the core principles of digital marketing, and showcases the difference between traditional and digital techniques.

This module will provide you with an understanding of what is needed to create and implement effective digital marketing campaigns.It is an intoduction to the foundation of digital marketing and includes details on search,digital display,email marketing ,social media and mobile marketing ,besides analytics.

This Module will tarin you to develop an integrated and effective digital marketing plan.It will equip you on how to manage and evaluate your digital marketing efforts and budgets.

Nursery 4 years

Topics covered include:

  •  Definition of the DIGIEDGE Learning And Digital Marketing Institute Method
  •  Principles
  •  Our Tools
  •  The DIGIEDGE Learning and digital Marketing Institute Freamework
  •  The DIGIEDGE Learning and digital Marketing Institute Quality Scale
  •  Key Concepts of Digital Marketing
  •  Traditional vs Digital Marketing
  •  The Opportunity of Digital Marketing
  •  Implications of Digital Marketing
  •  Market Research vs. Market Reality
  •  ‘Business Leadership’ Award 2009 & 2005
  •  ‘Best Franchisor of the Year' Award 2008 & 2003


Search marketing: SEO

The Search Marketing seo module explains the concepts of Search Engine Optimization and how to improve any website's ranking on SERPS(Search engine result pages) to increase traffic.It starts with research and the selection process of keywords to generate higher traffic.It also explores process and mechanisms for optimizing online content and meta-tags for easily accessible websites.This insight on how SEO is driven by content will ensure in better ranking.

The module also explores how search engine spiders view and evalute websites and the tools that are used to speed up the indexaction process - the tools that help Search engines find,view and rate rank website.

It also covers off-pages element of optimization like inbound linking and techniques to boost a website's inbound link popularity.

Nursery 4 years

Topics covered include:

  •  Key of SEO concepts
  •  Search result and positioning
  •  Our Tools
  •  Benefit of search position
  •  Stakeholders in search
  •  Mechanics of search
  •  On page optimization
  •  The SEO process
  •  Customers insights
  •  Analysis & review
  •  Keyword research and selection
  •  content updates and layout
  •  Meta tags
  •  SEO sitemap
  •  SEO Google serach
  •  SEO Google serach console
  •  Off-page optimization
  •  Inbound links & link building
  •  Ranking
  •  Laws & guidelines


Search marketing:PPC

Nursery 4 years

The Search Marketing - PPC module highlights the importance of pay-per-click advertising and how to use it drive quality traffic to your website.

This module starts with the setting up of Google Adwords accounts and how to develop Adwords campaigns around keyword research ,ad copy and landing pages.It highlights features of effective ads and primes on how to create them.It also includes specialist tools to run and administrive effective PPC campaigns that optimize spend.It shows how to analyse search marketing activity and trends to tailor content and target campaigns for better engagement.

Finally,this module equips you with the knowhow to set and manage budgets for Adwords campaigns and measure their efficacy by documenti ng them as reports.

Topics covered include:

  •  Key of PPC concepts
  •  Strenth Pay Per Click
  •  Keyword Research
  •  Google PPC
  •  Research Tools
  •  Search campaign Process
  •  Keyword Selection
  •  Ad copy
  •  Landing Pages
  •  Targeting
  •  Budgets
  •  Scheduling
  •  Display networks
  •  Ad center
  •  Campaign Management
  •  Convertion Tracking
  •  Conversion Metrics:CPA,CTR
  •  Bidding
  •  Analytics
  •  Laws & guidelines


Digital display advertising

This explains how to create and execute effective campaigns.It covers all the concepts and terminology associated with digital display advertising and includes ad formats ,campaign setup and planning ,target definition ,publisher selection ,campaign administration,budgeting (including different pricing metrics),measurement and optimization.

Case studies around will be used to demonstrate how different formats can be used and published.You will learn about the wide range of display ad formats and how to carefullychoose the most appropriate one/s for your target audience segments.

In addition,you will know how to develop clear objectives ,deploy a campaign and then measure and optimize your campaign based on analytics.

Nursery 4 years

Topics covered include:

  •  Key of Digital Display Concept
  •  Benefits of Digital Display
  •  Challenges of Digital Display
  •  Business value
  •  Running Effective Ads
  •  Ads Formats
  •  Ads Features
  •  Ad Display Frequency
  •  Campaign Plannning
  •  Campaign Steps
  •  Targets Audience
  •  Campaign Objectives
  •  Campaign Management
  •  Conversion Tracking
  •  Conversion Metrics:CPA,CTR
  •  Bidding
  •  Analytics
  •  Laws & guidelines


Email marketing

Nursery 4 years

Laern to construct and deliver effective email marketing Campaigns.The module will cover the four pillars of email marketing,data capture and subscriber and segmentation, email design and content ,email delivery,and measurement and reporting.This module explains the necessity of marketing segmentation strategy and identify the features of effective email design.You will also understand how to grow and manage a subscriber database,along with the unique features of the various Email Service Providers and software solutins.

An introductionto split testing will show how to use key metricsto report on the efficacy of campaigns and includeing open rates,Click-Through-Rates(CRT),unsubscribes and bounces.

You will also know how to monitor and evaluate email marketing analytics.

Topics covered include:

  •  Key of Email Marketing concepts
  •  Campaign Process
  •  Online Data Capture
  •  Offline Data Capture
  •  Segmentation
  •  Email Design
  •  User Behaviour
  •  User Characteristics
  •  Email Copy
  •  Email Structure
  •  Email Delivary
  •  Email Sysytems
  •  Filtering
  •  Email Systems
  •  Filtering
  •  Scheduling
  •  Measurement
  •  Keys Terms & Metrics
  •  Split Testing
  •  Laws & guidelines


Social media marketing(part1)

Nursery 4 years

The Social Media Marketing (Part1) module covers concepts and terminology used in social marketing and explores platform like Facebook,instagram,Twitter,Periscope and linkedln.

This module will help you set up and prepare social media marketing initiatives by defining goals and sets KPIs(Key Performance Indicators).It will introduceyou skills for effectively engaging with people across all social media platforms.This will help you identify trends and innovations in social media space, and find ways to convert the "always connected" social consumer.

Finally ,this module will help match social media platforms to objectvies and ensures that all goals are met.Explore communication styles for different targets audiences and implement them appropriately.

Topics covered include:

  •  Key concepts of Social Media
  •  Content planning & scheduling
  •  Social Media for business
  •  Social Media goals and priorities
  •  Facebook features
  •  Facebook business page
  •  Facebook messenger for business
  •  Facebook Apps
  •  Instagram features
  •  Third party for Instagram
  •  Instagram Best practice
  •  Twitter features
  •  Twitter chat
  •  Twitter profile setup
  •  Twitter lists
  •  Periscope
  •  Linkedln setup and profile
  •  Linkedln groups
  •  Linkedln mail
  •  Linkedln company page
  •  Linkedln recuirtment


Social media marketing(part 2)

This Social Media Marketing(Part 2) module will help you develop and hone the skills in social media tools across platforms to cultivate and sustain relationships with consumers.

It expands upon the topics and platforms introduced in part1: by understanding challenges and working around them to successfully implement effective social media strategy using paid advertising options.

Learn about secondary social media channel like Youtube, Googl+ and Pinterest and how to use them for specific goals.Understand advanced features of native analytics such as Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics to becomes familiar with sceduling,mamnaging and reporting on campaigns and social media activity.

Get an overview of privacy laws and finetune social media campaigns to optimize results.

Nursery 4 years

Topics covered include:

  •  Google+ Brand Page
  •  Google+ And SEO
  •  Google hangouts
  •  Pinterest Profile
  •  Pinterest Advertising
  •  Pinterest Business Accounts
  •  Facebook and Instagram Advertising Types
  •  Facebook and Instagram Targeting
  •  Facebook and Instagram Ad management
  •  Facebook and Instagram Analytics
  •  Facebook insights
  •  Twitters Advertising
  •  Twitters Ad targeting
  •  Twitters Audience Platform
  •  Twitters Analytics
  •  Linkedln Advertising
  •  Linkedln Ad Targeting
  •  Linkedln Analytics
  •  YouTube Account Basics
  •  YouTube Channels
  •  YouTube Content Types
  •  YouTube Advertising
  •  YouTube Analytics
  •  Social Media KPIs


Mobile marketing

Nursery 4 years

Understand the concepts governingmobile marketing and qualities of a mobile-optimize website.Create and deliver immediate,personalises and effective moblile marketing campaigns.

Identify the attributes if effective mobile apps and take the 7 necessary steps to create one that is effective.Explore mobile search,its differences and similarities to desktop search and role of AdWords in mobile search.

Explore tools in mobile technology and emerging trends to reach and convert the "always on" mobile users by context and location.

Explore how mobile advertising ,SMS ,NFC,mobile sites ,apps ,Bluetooth can help connect with consumers.Recognize campaign objectives, and need to validate marketing activity with campaign trials,reviews and ongoing analytics and measurement around privacy.

Topics covered include:

  •  Key of Mobile marketing concepts
  •  Trends in Mobile
  •  Opportunities & Risks
  •  Mobile Devices
  •  SMS Content & Strategy
  •  Mobile Advertising
  •  Mobile Optimized Websites
  •  Mobile Apps
  •  Attributes of Effective Apps
  •  7 Steps process for Mobile Apps
  •  Proxomity Marketing
  •  Bluetooth
  •  Mobile Coupons & Ticketing
  •  Implementation
  •  Strategic Steps
  •  Marketing Goals
  •  Review & Testing
  •  Social Media Channels
  •  Laws & Guidelines



Nursery 4 years

Discover the power of analytics to measure , monitor and optimize digital marketing activity.Learn how to monito and measure online traffic and build online reporting structure.

Learn to set up accounts ,and apply analytics tracking across website(s).Learn to align business KPis with analytics goal configuration.Use Google Analytics to develop a detailed profile of your target audience.

Assess the efficiency of websites by its technical performance,speed; and measure user engagement and conversion levels by trackingactivities like downloads,video views,purchases and registrations etc.

Topics covered include:

  •  Key of Analytics concepts
  •  Goal Set-up
  •  Account Set-up
  •  Analytics Code
  •  Analytics Profiles
  •  Goal configuration & Funnels
  •  Audience
  •  Dashboard
  •  Technology
  •  Advertising
  •  AdWords Campaigns
  •  Traffic Sources
  •  Scheduling & Delivery
  •  Bounce Rate
  •  Site Speed
  •  Site Search
  •  Events
  •  Conversions
  •  eCommerce
  •  Reporting
  •  Real Time Reporting
  •  Intelligence Reporting
  •  Customized Reporting
  •  Laws & Guidelines


Strategy and planning

Develop the skills to create a formal digital marketing plan and implement it effectively with external agencies and contractor .This DIGOEDGE Learning and Digital Marketing Institute method is 3 step process:
Initiate:Analyse the reality and define the audience by collecting information.
Iterate:Develop and set clear objectives for the digital marketing plan.Create a project structure and plan and measure all activities around milestones,deliverables and resources.
Integrate :Monitor,analyse the performance of digital marketing activites and modify further course of action.

This module use tested planning methods and process and brings toghter all the stands of the professional certification in Digital marketing leading to a Professional Certification in Digital Marketing.

Nursery 4 years

Topics covered include:

  •  Key of Strategy and Planning concepts
  •  First Steps
  •  Planning
  •  Situation Analysis
  •  Information Gathering
  •  Target Audience
  •  Setting Objectives
  •  Appropriate Tools
  •  Action Plan
  •  Setting the Budget
  •  Measurement
  •  Iteration & Enhancement
  •  Laws & Guidelines

Certification Assessment

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 The assessment is a formal computer-based examination to measure a student's knowledge and digital marketing proficiency on completing the program.

 The duration of the exam is 180 minutes.

 A range of different question formats are used including text base multiple choice;image based multiple choice,maching and Hot Spot questions.

 Our computer-based examinations are delivered through the Oearson VUE test centre network which comprises over 5,200 centres in 180 countries.

 We choose to deliver our exams through Pearson VUE as it provides students with a quality,consistent examination ,no matter where they are un the world.

Certification Roadmap

As the leading global certification body in digital marketing, we have created a roadmap that can transform professionals and boots careers.The suits of certifications enables professionals - at all stages of their career - to learn relevent and industry aligned skills that can be applied to any role.

Novices can start with fundamentals of digital marketing , and grow into professionals with specialized training in search and social media.

Professionals can move into leadership positions or become experts in digital marketing through the leader and master certifications.



The DIGIEDGE Learning and Digital Marketing Institute certifications are available globally through a network of partners.

trained and aooroved partners are licensed to deliver these certification programs across the US,Europe,Asia Pacific,Africa,Middle East and Latin America.Experts Specialised in different subjects in the global network brings global knowledge to local markets to make certifications as rewarding as possible.


Our Institute-based certification programs are credit rated by SQA at Level 8 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Frameworks(SCQF and corresponds to Level 5 on the European Qualifications Frameeork(EQF. Validation of our programs with the SQA provides a secondary level of quality assurance.Students are not registered nor certified by the SQA as part of their program.SQA validation and certification does not transfer to partner programer.

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