Chalk in Hand: Euro Kids Pre School Moore Avenue and Behala, Kolkata celebrates Hate Khori 2023 The literal meaning of Hate Khori is “chalk in hand” and this ceremony is pretty popular among Bengalis in West Bengal. Euro Kids Moore Avenue,
Read more »After School, NTT training course help you get into the teaching field and land your dream teaching job? Here are some tips and strategies to help you succeed:1. Build your resume: Make sure your resume showcases your education, experience,
Read more »Most of our students easily get the teaching jobs. Once you’ve completed your Nursery Teachers Training, there are a few key things you can do to set yourself up for success in your career. First, consider earning additional certifications or degrees
Read more »One important step is to pursue a course in Nursery Teachers Training. This type of program can provide you with the knowledge, skills, and experience you need to become a highly effective and confident nursery teacher. You can do
Read more »Are you tired of juggling work and childcare, struggling to find a balance that works for your family? At After School Day Care, we understand the challenges that parents face and we are here to help. That’s why we
Read more »Empowering young women to make a positive impact on the lives of young children through Nursery Teachers Training Are you a young woman who is passionate about making a difference in the lives of children? If so, a
Read more »The institute imparts training to selected pupil teachers, whom it finds devoted and sincere to the cause of education. It is a pleasure that various Convent, Nursery and Public Schools demand for our trainee students in advance; and our students
Read more »After School Day Care Centre is equipped with CCTV for security. State of art infrastructure is equipped with book library, toys, refrigerator, oven, water purifiers, spacious rooms, play rooms, Montessori equipments, children gym and air conditioned rooms to take care
Read more »We’re the early child care experts with 15+ years of experience in delivering complete development for children. Through our expertise in understanding child behaviour and taking inspiration from the Harvard University’s Centre on The Developing Child we’ve developed our curriculum is
Read more »Enhancing individual employability in a teaching professional. To reduce mis-match between the demand and supply of skilled man power. The Teacher Training covers detailed Montessori Training Course syllabus inspired by Maria Montessori.
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